Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Red Letter Date: April 9, 2010 - Plaza Theater Screening of BTTF

During the trip to Alabama to meet the stars of "Back to the Future," 6239 met a guy named Ben Ruder, the organizer for the Plaza Theatre in downtown Atlanta. Ben was gearing up for a showing of "Back to the Future" the next month and needed a DeLorean outside the theater under the marquee. Without hesistation, I told him I'd do it as long as I had a place to sit with the car and "a Diet Coke for my girlfriend."

Ben said he didn't want to take up the entire weekend for me, but if I could be there Friday night, that would be great. I was thrilled to be a part of it, so I showed up all three nights that weekend. The admiring public was mostly good natured, if sometimes too spirited. A few times I had to stop people from leaning on the car, playing with the doors or sitting in the car. This was the event that provoked a terrible and verbally abusive response from a cavorting group of drunken women. See my earlier posting for more on that...

The pollen that weekend was getting bad in Atlanta so the car slowly turned yellow as the nights wore on and I ran out of dusting rags constantly. Some more notable encounters included a request by some L.A. talent scouts to get me to audition for the reality show Big Brother. It wasn't a joke. I passed all the same. I was also told by one guy that my car would be in an auto magazine after he took some photos. Nothing ever really came of that either...The most fun was seeing the delight of the attendees at the car, and many got their photos with it, some of which I have posted below.

I met some interesting people that weekend, including a girl who got way too familiar with the whole situation. Again, see my previous post linked above...

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